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StreetBuddy - warning figure
Colour: Green

From €53.00*
StreetBuddy - warning figure
Colour: Orange

From €53.00*
StreetBuddy - warning figure
Colour: Magenta

From €53.00*
StreetBuddy - warning figure
Colour: White

From €53.00*

StreetBuddy in detail.

My name: StreetBuddy
I live: With you
My size: 83 cm
My weight: 2200 g
I am made of: high-quality plastic 

My special characteristics: 

  1. Reflective: heart, eyes and stickers on the flag 
  2. Water/sand tank at the foot for more stability 
  3. Flag with integrated pull-out lock 

My hobbies: 

  1. Child safety 
  2. Standing on the sidewalk or in the front yard 
  3. Warning car traffic about children playing: 83 cm

Why do dangers lurk?

  1. Children are quickly distracted 
  2. Children do not assess dangerous situations correctly 
  3. Children do not act with sufficient foresight 

How does StreetBuddy help? 

  1. Streetbuddy warns traffic of children playing on the road 
  2. Drivers adapt their driving behaviour at an early stage 
  3. Buddy is a useful supplement to the safety of your children 

StreetBuddy features: 

Works in both driving directions, because StreetBuddy looks the same front and rear. The reflective stickers of the StreetBuddy attract more attention in dim light.

StreetBuddy – Small Figure, Big Guardian 

Our "StreetBuddy" warning figure ensures greater safety for children in traffic. Its bright colors catch the attention of every driver from the roadside, reminding them to be cautious of playing children. 

Attention drivers: "Caution! Playing children!" 

Not all drivers adhere to speed limits, unfortunately, even in traffic-calmed zones. However, our 83 cm high helper has its heart in the right place: Reflective films on the warning figure ensure maximum visibility, especially in the dark. The reflective flag is protected against quick theft by a lock. The warning figure achieves a stable stand through a tank in the base, which can be filled with sand or water. Made of high-quality plastic, the StreetBuddy can protect your little ones in any weather. Conveniently, the warning figure looks the same from the front and back and can be used on both sides of the street. Lovingly and stylishly designed, it warns drivers: Caution children! 

Caution Children - Consideration in Traffic 

 Not only private individuals trust the help of StreetBuddy. Numerous municipalities, schools, and kindergartens successfully use StreetBuddy to promote greater consideration for children. But perhaps the cute warning figure can also bring a loving smile to some drivers? 

Warning figure, a personal concern 

 For a long time, StreetBuddy inventor Marcel Alefelder searched for a way to get the many speeding drivers in his traffic-calmed residential area to adjust their speed to the conditions. While there were signs like "Caution Children" or "Attention Children," warning cubes and figures, none looked truly child-friendly and appealing. Thus, the idea for "StreetBuddy" was born. We hope that our warning figure will contribute to more mindfulness in traffic and perhaps bring a loving smile to some drivers.

Individuelle StreetBuddy

Need something unique for your advertising? An eye-catcher for trade shows or events? Our customizable Streetbuddy is the perfect solution! Contact us for planning and implementation.